Views from Hotel
Someone answered all my questions about Philadelphia! See comment at the bottom of the post.

Southeast cool courtyard. Never got a chance to go down and check it out, but looks nice

Same thing, closer. Same courtyard, zoomed in and looking more downward. The shape of the building is bizzare. I can't imagine what that skinny wing on the left is used for... its like 4 feet wide by 20 feet long. That would be a funny-shaped bedroom.

Southeastish. Walt Whitman Bridge maybe?

Looking south. The trees to the right are lining the east side of 12th Street.

Same general picture, zoomed in.I'm guessing that's Veteran's Stadium. Nope, its a local high school.

The roofs of 12th Street. Now moving slightly west of south, looking at the houses on the west side of 12th street.

Roofs of 12th Street, different angle. I'm curious about some of those roofing materials. I only recognize the second and third house as asphalt shingles... the others are new on me.

The Coolest Rooftop Porch in View. Now we're looking west. The roof of the house on Cypress andCarmac Camac. Nice. I like those glassy doors.

Looking right down Cypress Street from my west window. The cool rooftop is in the distance there. Fawn street turns left across from that red car. The building on the right is a big apartment building or maybe another hotel that goes from here all the way to Spruce Street

The tallest near skyscraper, we're looking northwest

Same thing. I like that gothic looking building in the middle. Anyone know what it is, and/or its address? Not to mention the skyscraper. I almost walked over to the skyscaper just to check it out, but really didn't have time.

The next day was much more clear.

When we decided to stay one extra night, I had to move to a new room. It was on the northwest corner instead of the southwest, but only on the 3rd floor this time. It was room 301. 601 or 701 would be on the same corner but high enough to overlook everything. Here is that same apartment building across the street.

Same building, wanted to show the human view a bit better.

Looking North up 12th Street From 301. A bit of gay pride I guess across the street there.

Southeast cool courtyard. Never got a chance to go down and check it out, but looks nice

Same thing, closer. Same courtyard, zoomed in and looking more downward. The shape of the building is bizzare. I can't imagine what that skinny wing on the left is used for... its like 4 feet wide by 20 feet long. That would be a funny-shaped bedroom.

Southeastish. Walt Whitman Bridge maybe?

Looking south. The trees to the right are lining the east side of 12th Street.

Same general picture, zoomed in.

The roofs of 12th Street. Now moving slightly west of south, looking at the houses on the west side of 12th street.

Roofs of 12th Street, different angle. I'm curious about some of those roofing materials. I only recognize the second and third house as asphalt shingles... the others are new on me.

The Coolest Rooftop Porch in View. Now we're looking west. The roof of the house on Cypress and

Looking right down Cypress Street from my west window. The cool rooftop is in the distance there. Fawn street turns left across from that red car. The building on the right is a big apartment building or maybe another hotel that goes from here all the way to Spruce Street

When we decided to stay one extra night, I had to move to a new room. It was on the northwest corner instead of the southwest, but only on the 3rd floor this time. It was room 301. 601 or 701 would be on the same corner but high enough to overlook everything. Here is that same apartment building across the street.

Same building, wanted to show the human view a bit better.

Looking North up 12th Street From 301. A bit of gay pride I guess across the street there.
Saw your wonderful pictures and needed to answer your questions. By the way, I am a native of Philly and know the neighborhood well.
3rd. picture - yes, that's the Walt Whitman. The bell tower in front of the far bridge tower is the Fleisher Art Memorial, a free art school. To the right of the nearer bridge tower is the bell tower of St Mary's RC church. Now the home of the Mario Lanza society.
5th picture - The building is not the Vet but a local high school. The Vet has been razed, by the way.
8th. picture - The little street is Camac not Carmac.
11th picture - The gothic looking building is the Bellevieu-Stratford hotel at Broad and Walnut street. Home of "Legionares' disease. The skyscraper is the tallest building in the city - One Liberty Place (16th and Chestnut.)
Bart Agat
Wow! Awesome! Thanks for the info!
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