My Nest: The Bedroom

Here's a picture I took last winter. Sort of shows how the clothes hung over the bed. I still say this is a clever use of a small space (but with high ceilings), even if I do say so. Its about 9' X 6'. Also shows the curtains that were up before I moved out.

Here's the daytime view out the larger window. Not too impressive, I suppose, but that's what I see when I get up in the morning:

A closeup of one of my windowsills I'm so proud of :) Unfortunately, some tape from the plastic I put up last winter stuck to the wall below it and made a nasty mark. :(

Before winter came, the aloe used to live here on the bedside table like this. The windows are a little drafty, so all the plants moved to the living room couch where there is a large window with a good tight storm. By the time summer came, I had a night job and had to sleep in the day with curtains drawn, so the bedroom was no longer conducive to healthy plants. So they never came back in. Aloe's cousin (not sure what it is exactly, but its sort of aloe-esque) used to live on the windowsill.

The Blues Brothers poster is blue and so got banished from the living room, which is where my decorating efforts were concentrated, and where green was the theme. I put up the shelves to act as my "closet". Clothes were hanging from the all the way around. It might seem weird to have clothes hanging right over the bed, but I think it was far preferable to lofting the bed and hanging them underneath, even though the latter seems much more culturally acceptable (ie... I wouldn't have looked like such a weirdo if I'd done it that way).

Below is the daytime view from the window above, from the same angle:

This room is tiny but yu did make good use of the space. That is for sure!
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