Surprise Birthday Party

It was a surprise birthday party for Fawn (the one with the green and pink Leys). Becky thought she could hide from the camera so I snapped one more:

Below is my somethetimes roommate Andy (he travels a lot for work. Yep, we're both Andy)

I'm not sure exactly what this was all about. Someone said "Point to the maps" and I was like "um, ok" and this was the result:

As per usual, the ladies couldn't keep their hands offa me. Here I had a brief moment of peace:

But it didn't last...

...very long ;-) (y'all know I'm totally kidding, right?)

Just a quick shot to show what it looks like sans Christmas tree:

Our still somewhat-newly-weds (somewhat-new, not somewhat-wed)

Birthday girl unawares:

Birthday girl awares:

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