Singing Bowl of Nepal
This was the gift Jason and Nicole gave me for playing the organ for their wedding. It's a singing bowl, handmade in Nepal. With it came this description:
Singing bowls are used for meditation in the Buddhist faith. The symbol on the inside of the singing bowl is the lotus flower. A diamond, which is symbolic of enlightenment, is inside the lotus flower. Written on each petal are the words 'Om Mane padme hu' which means, 'the more you go inside, the better you will be able to get enlightenment'. The letters on the outside of the bowl read BISWOBAJRA, which means the same.
Wow. What a bunch of hogwash! But cool bowl, and cool letters.

What would be the least buddhist thing you could do with it? I think it'd make a grrrreat bowl to mix up a batch of MEATloaf!
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